Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Day 1: Update

I was able to do an update of an important document today which is really part of my to-do list today. I also came up with little steps towards an experiment for my dissertation. I was unable to completely do all that I have planned as the table I use for my laptop was occupied by New Year fruits. I have 364 days left until the end of my sabbatical. I intend to make each day count. 

I have hopes for this year and I do pray that the Lord may will them to materialize into fruition. 

Tomorrow, I need to build a temporary model so I can try and see if my "adaptive and intelligible" model will work. 

For now, will try to get some sleep. 

Thank You dear Lord for the brand new year. Thank You because each year You give us a promise of a brand new beginning. Thank You for never forsaking me. Mama Mary, thank you for always interceding for me. 

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