Saturday, February 12, 2011


I am going to New York!!! :)

This is hands down my most favorite place in the US! If that is not enough I will get to spend it with a New Yorker friend! This almost feels like Sex and the City except of course there will be no sex *haha!*! She already asked me to bring with me a cute outfit because we are going to parteh! Hmm... what outfit to buhreeng?! :) I am stoked! Can you tell?!


The recent episode of HIMYM was pretty intense. :) That is all I want to say about this. :)


I was able to run today but I woke up late and had a morning meeting so I had to cut my run short. I got to do the Barre3 push ups still though and I was able to do dumbbells tonight but I have had four, FOUR sylvannas since my friend got back. I want to shoot myself *haha!* but it is just soh yummy! :)

I will try to not eat too much anymore because it will make me fat. That thing is made of buttah that will make my butt beeg! Which is totally uncool especially since I am going to Boracay! I tried on my swimsuit this morning and I think I should definitely run seriously again *haha!*. Still, being the vain person that I am is saying, not bad gurl! *wahaha!!!* Talk about fighting spirit! But you know, when it is all that you have, you just have to have that thing called... self-affirmation, no matter how deceitful you are to yourself. Works evuhreetime! :)


Last night, I was fortunate enough to hear the healing mass of Fr. Joey Faller. We were blessed because he and two other priests came. He had a healing session after the mass. I was healed. Not by Fr. Faller but by the Lord, by Jesus and by the Holy Spirit. I felt a transformation take place.

I am glad I came because earlier that week I was thinking of going to my Tai Chi class instead. Yesterday, I realized that this does not happen very often and so I decided to take a rain check on my Tai Chi class and heard mass instead. I was blessed more than all the Tai Chi can give me. I was given peace more than what many years of Tai Chi practice can probably give me.

The Lord has plans for me. He will not falter. He makes great things out of imperfect things.

God is good, all the time.


Tonight was fun too. I finally tried Punyeta buffalo wings at Charlie's. Two guys and myself tried it because one of us dared the others. No, it was not me. Two pieces each. Both were all sweaty and red. I got through without taking a sip of water, not breaking a sweat and smiling all the way through the pictures. We all had a glimpse of what it is like to be Adam on Man vs Food. His job looks fun but it is not easy. :)

Great company, great food.

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