Friday, July 15, 2005


Not a day goes by
Not a minute ticks to fly
Not a wink of an eye
Without my sigh
Of love,
Of joy,
Of hope.

A sigh of love
For the thought
Each day I am showered with
For the laughter
Planted in me each day
For the tears shed
Stifled just so I can smile

A sigh of joy
For knowing how it is to love
Without fret
For knowing how to fly
Soaring into the limitless sky
For knowing you
So beautiful and true

A sigh of hope
For the bright future
To share with you
For the emotions
We will bare
For you and me
We share

I'm sorry I'm insensitive. I will try to work on it. I love you so much! What we have is too important for me and tonight I fear I might have hurt you. You never say anything but I hear it in your voice. I am soh sorry. Sometimes I don't know when to shut up and listen. I am never there when it matters.

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