Monday, July 15, 2013


After a really long time, I find the urge to type away again in front of my screen. So many things have changed. For instance, I am not typing away in front of the MacBook Pro that I have been so accustomed to seeing before me. Instead, I type away on a 17" Lenovo that can be upgraded to a 64MB memory. It's a server on my shoulder.

As I type, my newly digitally permed wet (I might add) hair hangs by my shoulders much to my annoyance. I have to take the good  with the bad. I am not so afraid to experiment anymore. Too old to care I guess.

As I type this, I can say that I am now free. I have finally seen the end of the tunnel. It's bittersweet. I see that I am now where I have dreamed to be but I have not thought beyond getting here. So I am here and yet so clueless as to what I should do next. I just know that I am grateful for being here.

As to where my next journey will take me, I leave that unto You.

I knew You were holding me all this time. Thank You for never letting go even at times when I felt I have wronged You immensely. Thank You.

I see life in a more different light. I hope to be worthy of this new chance. At love. At life.

I am blessed.

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