Thursday, August 26, 2010

Small Packages

Yesterday, I had students walk up to me to thank me, this was in my programming class. It felt good of course, it would feel so much better though, if all of them will pass. *sigh!* I just do not think they gave the subject their all.

In my nonacademic class, I had students prepare a video of their outreach projects and I was pleasantly surprised with what they did and the presentation they prepared. I really love handling this class. :)

Also yesterday, I had a not so pleasant experience. I hope it will not happen again. I really want to put it behind me. I do not want to think about it over and over. I want to see it as a slip up on the part of the other party.

Last night, I got into thinking whether I have a deficiency as a person because really, sometimes, I tend to feel that way. I hope I will feel better soon.

Today, I was able to see the projects of my students in one of my academic classes and I think the systems that I have seen so far were pretty good.

Please Lord, let it just be pleasant surprises from here on in.

Thanks! :)

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