Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Christmas was a blast this year! I got to attend my boyfriend's reunion with his father's side of the family and it was just great! It has been a very long time since I attended a reunion. Our family is not big on parties and get-togethers. Normally, we'll just have relatives come over our place but they are never all there at the same time.

Anyway, there was a program and there were parlor games as well... Each family was asked to introduce themselves and they came up with unique presentations. I was introduced as part of my boyfriend's family. I had fun!

There was also of course, my boyfriend's favorite part, videoke. I have this feeling that apart from his bald head, his nonstop videoke session in La Union might have been the cause of his bronchial asthma. His doctor mentioned pneumonia as well... I sang just one song... I did not want to shock all his family members!

I got to meet some of his cousins as well! In their family, people fall in line and get money presents from uncles and aunts and cousins who are already working! I got a total of 950 hehe! Next time, I should bring money to give out too... Must make up for the aguinaldos 1 that I got from all of them. :)

After the party, my boyfriend's lola whom we fondly call Mama asked me if we can watch Judy Ann's movie Kasal, Kasali, Kasalo. The whole family decided to come along and we ended up watching the movie with my boyfriend's parents, house help and Mama. It was surprisingly a nice movie. I loved it. I saw it again the other day with my sister and she loved it too.

I can't remember when the the last time was since I enjoyed Christmas this much! I feel like I am once more a child!

1 gifts

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