I just realized that I have seen so many movies in the past week.
16 Blocks
Not a standout film. It was pretty formulaic but because I am jumpy when I watch films, it still kept me at the edge of my seat. It reminded me that people can change. Incidentally, I have students whom I have caught cheating just last week and right now, I have no idea how to deal with it. For sure they are getting a zero for their project. They are getting a zero already any way since they were not studying enough. If I only give them a zero, that would have been their grade anyway and so giving them a zero is disregarding the fact that they cheated, if you follow my drift. I am right now thinking of filing a case against them at the Discipline's Office. They wrote me a letter explaining why they resorted to cheating. I hate it when I find out that my students cheat, not so much because it hurts my ego, but because I want to teach them a lesson but I do not want to hurt their parents in the process. Up to this point I am still undecided as to what I should do. People change they say, but what causes change?
V for Vendetta
As in chemical reactions, heat causes change. Drastic, harsh stimuli can bring about change. This was also the topic of the film. Staged in a time when democracy has gone extinct and people are paralyzed with fear. The setting could have easily been our country. The revolution reminded me of times past, back when I was still a kid and people stoo dup for what they believed in. It also showed me what kind of people we have become.
Everyday is an opportunity for a revolution. Breaking away from what the norm would expect so that we may stand by our principles. Whether it is for standing up for someone's rights or just choosing someting less convenient so that others may benefit. For us to win external battles, we have to first emerge victorious in our day to day dealings with ourselves. Harsh as it may seem, sometimes only heat will make us yield. Most of the time we have to thrive in the darkness for the longest time so that we may yearn for light.
Yesterday, during the Sunday Mass, the priest pointed out how sometimes people would fall in the same pot hole over and over again, while dogs can so easily remember which path leads to the pot hole. Easily, we forget our vulnerabilities and we find ourselves lost once again.
Maybe a trip to the Discipline's Office is the heat that can cause the change much needed in the students and much needed in me as well.
Just Friends
On the lighter side of things, I enjoyed this movie mainly because its soundtrack carries me back to my high school days. The movie was funny but some parts of it was cavity inducing sweet. The dumb blonde jokes are so mean I know, but it never fails to make me laugh so hard... Very bad of me.
Ica Age 2
A hilariously funny movie! A must see! I normally do not like sequels but there are some exceptional sequels like Meet the Fockers, The Legend of Zorro, and Ice Age 2!!!
I cannot explain how thrilled I was to see this movie! I just love musicals and I don't mind watching the musicals in their movie version! I know some people find this really gay but I don't care! First few minutes into the show and I was out of breath from trying to contain my excitement. The movie was not a disappointment to me. It is alwaya a joy to see musicals!
Been seeing you in the line in cinema 7 (Rent was it?) hehe.
Movie addict!! =P
Guilty as charged. :)
No. That was Ice Age 2. There weren't so many people watching Rent that night. We saw Rent the following day.
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