All week, I have been tossing and turning wondering what gift to give him, wondering how I can make his birthday special and memorable for him. I wanted to make him feel really special 'coz after all that is how he is to me. Extraordinarily special!
I've decided on a gift that I was sure he would be thrilled to have because for months now, every time we went to the mall he would ogle at this piece of work. He would marvel at it for a few minutes like a little boy wanting a puppy would.
His birthday is December 1 but on November 30 I found myself on a bus to Filinvest. We spoke on the phone and already I asked him if he could pick me up later that night. I was supposed to be in Makati but I did not know how to squeeze in my shopping time in my schedule...
Sorry Lord, I promise to make it up to you. It was supposed to be a group reading about the gospel for this coming Sunday. I will read it in advance Lord to make it up to you.
Going back...
He had no idea I was going to go to Filinvest besides he was busy playing bowling. I was at the Filinvest mall, good thing I made it there before the mall closed. I purchased the much contemplated gift and bought a quick-wrap at Shopwise. I was so pressed for time that I wrote the message on my card as I was in line. I bought the card days ago... It took me forever to choose a card. I always take forever when choosing a card. I want something that says exactly how I feel or at least says what is closest to how I feel.
When I arrived at the lanes, it was his turn. After his turn he went back to his seat. A female teammate called for him but he waved and just kept on going. The female teammate called again but he just did the very same thing. The female friend, now a bit anxious called him again and told him I was there... Much to my delight he was very surprised! Finally, I was able to surprise him!!!
It thrilled me so much that it didn't matter that his game that night was not going very well.
He kept on peeking into the wrapped gift but I didn't want to show him yet. It was after all, officially not his birthday yet. He kept on making guesses though his first guess was right according to him it was wild one and he wasn't really expecting that that was the gift. I told him they wre a bunch of neckties hehe... I wish I could have caught his expression on video. He looked so disappointed and desperately trying to hide it.
He finally got to open the gift a few minutes after twelve, when we got the condo. He was so surprised. Maybe he was happy but I was surely ecstatic... I know now that giving indeed is better than receiving. I felt like it was my birthday instead of his. We spent the eve of his birthday together! Cool!!!
The following night, we celebrated his birthday at Friday's. I had people sing him a birthday song. There were only two of us and I just realized that there were also just the two of us when I had my birthday. He did not have a clue that it was my birthday then though. But that birthday I remember was such a great one!
We ate so much last night. It was quite a feast for both of us. He also brought his new Nikon D70S and took lots of pictures of me. Darn my eyes are so sensitive to the flash... I think I ruined every picture!
The waiter, Mico, if you're at T.G.I.F. Glorieta you might want to look for him 'coz he's really okay, he even got us a Gold Card for free!!!
All in all, the birthday of my baby was soh fun, it could have been my birthday yesterday for all I care because I had fun, maybe more fun than he had.
I love you baby!
Happy birthday!
I'm so glad we found each other and that we recognized love the instant our eyes met.
Let's celebrate more birthdays of yours together, okay?
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