I have written a blog for this day but since I cannot wait to post about this event, let me just write another. It has been, after all, a very long time since I last posted anything so allow me to demonstrate how blog-starved I am.
I was at the faculty room, getting really annoyed already with the printer and the FinePrint software that I was using for the booklet that I was to give him for a 3rd month gift. I compiled sons in the CD, those that expressed my feelings for him. However, my computer and its memory were not cooperating. I think I had to print four times and restart more than that number. I finished past 12 already and the guard was ready to evict me.
Thirty minutes after I got home, I heard some knocks on the door, and lo and behold my handsome prince was standing outside holding the most colorful flowers I have ever seen. He brought me, five dozens of roses wrapped in orange abacca... It was the biggest bouquet so far... and the most colorful too. Unfortunately for me, I had colds so I could not smell the flowers. Though the very next day I brought the flowers to the faculty room, everybody told me that they were very fragrant... Anywa, going back... He brought with him also a gift. I could not put down the flowers because they were so pretty. I did not want to mess up the petals of the roses. I settled them in between the armrests of our two couches so they are standing up.
He asked me to guess what the gifts were... So there was more than one. Hmmm... He gave me two cluess: 1) It's our first 2) It's your second... I racked my brain for an answer but nothing came. As it turned out, it was an original Hitch DVD. It was our first movie that we watched together with a friend and it is now my second original DVD, the first one being My Fair Lady which my father gave me. He is soh sweet! The second gift according to him is something that I have been looking for, for so long. This I was able to guess, the instant he told me the clue. It was the Dimsum CD. I have been looking for it from different malls but to no avail. I wanted to get one because I liked TY4URLV and because the female vocalists were classmates of mine from St. Paul. I can't believe he was able to find a copy. This guy is just too sweet!
I gave him my gift, though the label was not in place yet, I was going to place our picture as the CD label but because I was running out of time already, I had to give it to him already. That day was going to be very hectic for me and I knew I will no longer be able to work on it anymore. He accepted and I hope he did like it because it did take me a while before I could put it together.
That night, he had a Finals Bowling Tournament and I was late. I had to do a project with a cofaculty... I did not do much really though because I did not find the time to do it during the week with my thesis on top of my class preparations. I only got to see his last game.
He won two medals!
After the game, we went to Greenbelt III because we wanted to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Before we got to the theater, there was a girl who cannot get her car out because some other car, doubleparked his car opposite her har. I came back to the car to get my shoes, because I forgot I was still wearin slippers... When I came back *** was already inside the car helping out the girl. He got her out of trouble alright. He looked so cute and I could not have been more proud to stand there as his girlfriend. My boyfriend has such a big heart. Hopefully, it's not too big that girls would start snatching it from me.
After the movie that we had so much fun watching, we went to his company to get his car because I drove the entire evening so we can stay in one car. We drove back to my place to have dinner and watch some TV and just hang out. We wanted every second because the next day I will be too busy again. I am always busy because of my thesis and a million other things that I need to do.
It's amazing how it has been three months and I am still soh happy with this man. He is simply the best boyfriend in the world and I love him oh so much.
Thank you baby for the three months. I pray that we will have more months together, that will become more years, that will become decades, that will form a lifetime.
I love you.
Don't count.. ^_o
I'm just counting my blessings :)
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