Saturday, January 28, 2012

Not So Bored Games

I have become addicted to board games lately... No thanks to a
hobbyist friend. I have played Monopoly Deal, Bhonanza, Guillotine and
Wasabi. While it is an absolute joy to play, it also eats a great deal
of my time. And their time. We should really do try to do something
about this. :)

Saturday, January 21, 2012


This week was weeked! :)

Got to talk to one of my fave little gurls! It was so sweet that she remembered my name. Aww...

I was able to work on part of my prototype as well. I got to watch Underworld at the Platinum cinema. I forgot to bring my shawl (again!!! haist!!!) but I got a free lease on a cozy jacket! *yehey!!!*

Early this week I got to spend quality time with my mom and I also go to play Monopoly Deal (Finally!!!)! :)

Sent from my iPod

Thursday, January 12, 2012

More Time

Suddenly I have more time in my hands. Or it feels like it. Underload
for this term. I am anticipating the many units in the next few terms.
Must make the most of this trimester. :)

Sunday, January 08, 2012


Today was "me" day in so many ways.

I was happy all day not withstanding my open gums and the fact that I
cannot chew food or ingest foods with small particles.

Thank You.

Thursday, January 05, 2012


I have come to realize that I cannot work without music. I need it to
fuel me. I thought before that I can work at coffee shops because of
the environment. I worked better at coffee shops because I always
listened to my own music.

Thank You for the gift of music.


Three coins made me smile today.

From this I learned the following:

1. It pays to clean because one can uncover the sweetest of things.
2. It IS the thought that counts.
3. I will not look at a one peso coin the same way again.

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

I just found out that I have to defend second week of classes! This
week is the second week of classes!

*panic attack*

I have to submit my document by Monday! I have five days.