I do not have much liking for fantasy novels but Neil Gaiman has changed my mind. After seeing Golden Compass with my boyfriend, thanks to Microsoft, I would very much love to read his books. I remember a former colleague who adored Gaiman books. Back then, I had no idea who he was, and obviously did not care much, I think I was devouring Grisham books then.
Maybe I will try to read Gaiman this vacation, I might go to the library and try to procure a copy though, I think I remember my colleague complaining about not finding one Gaiman in the library it is still worth a try.

I am reserving my money for a book by Genevieve Dariaux, A Guide to Elegance. :) I was in Taipei and went to this 24-hour bookstore (Yes! There is one! Though a lot of their books are of course Chinese)called Eslite. It's I think 6-storey of books, books and more books!!! I came across this fiction book by Kathleen Tassaro called Elegance (that I eventually bought) and it had excerpts of Genevieve Dariaux' book! I tried to look for this book (and even asked for assistance already) in Taipei and here in the Philippines but to no avail. I looked it up in Amazon, the price is reasonable but I do not know about the shipping though. I might get it hehe... I am soh fixated!
Angels and Demons

Yes, it was only a week ago when I got a hold of a copy. I was going around the library when I chanced upon a copy and I decided to finally read it. It was a very good read of course just like Da Vinci Code was. It made a mention of CERN which was pretty cool because I have met people from CERN! EGEE one of the conferences I have been to is a major project of CERN. I am in fact a registration authority of EGEE! :) What's more is that they made a mention of the Large Hadron Collider which utilizes EGEE hehe! Some parts about physicists being atheists might have been exaggerated but it was entertaining as what a fiction book should be.
The setting was also in Rome and in the Vatican and I was just in these places early this year so everything from Piazza San Pietro to Piazza Bernini are vivid in my memory still.
After reading Angels and Demons, I would sure like to go back to Roma and explore the different churches they have been to! :) Perhaps with my baby? :)
I would love to see the Ecstasy of St. Teresa which was interpreted in a curiously different way by Brown. I would never have looked at a Church sculpture the way he did but there is something in Brown's words that can make you give his ideas a second thought. Instead of just dismissing it, it makes me more curious.
Brown is the Crichton of Art and History. I enjoy his books tremendously because I learn a lot about Art and History when I read his books.I hope he writes something about Michelangelo soon. Michelangelo's life is well-documented so I think he can come up with a novel out of it. My greatest disappointment is that he is gay. Among the documented parts of his life is that part where he had a lover. *sigh* Regardless, I will always have a profound respect for his gift.
One More Chance
After almost everybody has seen this movie, I have finally asked my baby to see this movie with me. I did not want to see this film because I thought it starred Kim Chiu and Gerald what's-his-lastname. I do not want to see them act on the big screen because it already pains me just to see them acting on TV. Anyway, when I found out that it actually starred Bea Alonzo and John Lloyd Cruz, that was enough to change my mind. I find John Lloyd good. He seems so natural when he portrays his roles.
The movie's story line was good, I think. I am no expert but I enjoyed the film. I am unashamedly going to admit that I cried buckets and buckets of tears during and after the movie hehe... I am such a cry baby! I am not going to reveal here who else did a crying fest hehe... ;)
AFter the movie, I was reminded of how blessed I am to be in such a wonderful relationship. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with my baby!
Baby's Birthday
My baby turned 27 last December 1, 2007! He celebrated his birthday with his family and me at Heaven and Eggs at the Fort at around 11 pm. They heard mass that night and the mass ended late so we got to eat out late as well. Regardless, I was happy because I got to see his family and of course my baby! :) I am grateful for another birthday of his we celebrated together! :)
2 years and 7 months
I can't believe we have been together this long! :) He surprisingly came to our door on the night of December 5. Normally, he texts me and he waits downstairs. I was so surprised that he was by the door. Imagine my surprise when I saw he had with him pink gerberas and orange stargazers! It has been a while since he last gave me flowers. He gave a card which said, "I know it has been a while since I surprised you or have given you flowers but know that I try my best to make you feel loved." or something like that :).
I love you baby! :)
Gotchi Update
Bought a Gotchi a month ago and so far, I have had three already. The first one, my baby took care of so it was able to grow up to 23 years old. My second Gotchi died after 1 day because I lost my Gotchi (yikes! I might not be ready to be a mom yet) and currently my Gotchi is 4 years old, still alive and kicking! :) Yeah!