*** and I saw Revenge of the Sith last Friday. I was disappointed. It was not the work of art I was expecting it to be. We were rushing because we had to claim the tickets earlier and while I was worried that we might not be able to claim the tickets he was not. He was more worried that we were unable to park at GB3 and that I had to walk from Park Square 2 wearing my wedge shoes. He was worried about me when he was the one who just came from a basketball game. He stays calm for both our sanity. Thanks baby!
If you ask me Madagascar is a better film by leaps and bounds hehe... It was a total laugh trip film. I saw it with my sister and my brother yesterday. *** and I are planning to watch it since he did not come to see it with us. He's still timid around my family, my siblings are a bit weird around new guys in my life and he feels that. The soundtrack is great and it's really funny!
I sat with a couple and well sitting with them made me thank the Lord for sending me Vince and not the guy who was a seat away from me(I was sitting beside his girlfriend). He was snapping at the girl and he was not at all sweet. Can he be more mean? I know the guy actually he's a batchmate but we were never close and I doubted if he remembered me. They were not at all sweet or affectionate. There was a time when the girl wondered aloud and the guy snapped, "It's a cartoon Jen!". He was not even cute. He was shushing her... treating the girl horribly! What a loser! The girl deserves so much better!
Guys should know how to treat girls better! I came to Cinema2 of GB3 to see animals make a fool of themselves and ended up seeing a boyfriend make a pig of himself.
Tales learned from the University and from the best school of all, life. Drama unfolds everyday and this is a lilliputian attempt to chronicle it as it happens.
Monday, May 30, 2005
Through the Fire
I have too many things to learn this trimester and my brain's wheels are turning again after a long time of sleeping hehe :) I am having fun so far. The stress is not taking its toll yet... save for a few pimples on my face.
After more than a month I finally drove to Alabang again... I have not gone to a single prayer meeting since my accident. It was nice to worship again. When I raise up my hands to worship the Lord it just really sets me free and it puts a smile on my face. I had such a big smile across my face when I was singing at the top of my lungs because I was just soh grateful!
The prayer meeting was about passion, death and resurrection. There are times when we do not feel His presence and we hate Him for it. We love Him when we feel He is in our life but we curse him when we feel He has abandoned us. I hope I will never have to feel this Lord.
There was also an elder who shared about his wife. His wife was given two months to live due to some malfunction in his wife's liver. He prayed to God and he heard from Him that she will be healed. After a few weeks, the wife indeed started getting better but after a while, she started to deteriorate again. He cursed Him. He hated Him until a friend showed him a passage on the bible that says "...you of little faith can you not see that only prayers and faith can heal her.". He came back to Him again, this time surrendering everything. Two months passed and the wife was still alive. She was brought to the States and there she was found to be healthy. Praise God.
The story touched me because like the man, I am in love and like anyone who loves, we do not want to lose the one we love. His desire to fight for her life touched me deeply.
We all go through suffering from time to time, perhaps for us to be refined. Like gold we have to be put under fire for us to shine our best. Maybe we go through pain because as they say without darkness there can never be light. We go through pain so we'll know what heaven feels like.
I used to question why I had to have failed relationships in the past. I used to question why I had to meet toads while in search for the one. I appreciate my prince now because of the toads i met along the way. I know better how to take care of a relationship, a partnership because of mistakes in the past. Thank you for preparing both of us. Thank you for the pains in the past, for making us shine our best.
He waited for me for hours until the prayer meeting ended. We had a snack at ATC but the real highlight of that night was when he carried me at the parking lot. You see, the parking lots at ATC are elevated since it's located on a hill and the terrain is not that flat... I was looking for stairs and I could not find any... He carried me so I can go down... Like a prince charming he carried me. It felt nice being carried by him. Thank you Lord for my piece of heaven! :) All the fires I went through in the past is all worth it. Thanks. :)
After more than a month I finally drove to Alabang again... I have not gone to a single prayer meeting since my accident. It was nice to worship again. When I raise up my hands to worship the Lord it just really sets me free and it puts a smile on my face. I had such a big smile across my face when I was singing at the top of my lungs because I was just soh grateful!
The prayer meeting was about passion, death and resurrection. There are times when we do not feel His presence and we hate Him for it. We love Him when we feel He is in our life but we curse him when we feel He has abandoned us. I hope I will never have to feel this Lord.
There was also an elder who shared about his wife. His wife was given two months to live due to some malfunction in his wife's liver. He prayed to God and he heard from Him that she will be healed. After a few weeks, the wife indeed started getting better but after a while, she started to deteriorate again. He cursed Him. He hated Him until a friend showed him a passage on the bible that says "...you of little faith can you not see that only prayers and faith can heal her.". He came back to Him again, this time surrendering everything. Two months passed and the wife was still alive. She was brought to the States and there she was found to be healthy. Praise God.
The story touched me because like the man, I am in love and like anyone who loves, we do not want to lose the one we love. His desire to fight for her life touched me deeply.
We all go through suffering from time to time, perhaps for us to be refined. Like gold we have to be put under fire for us to shine our best. Maybe we go through pain because as they say without darkness there can never be light. We go through pain so we'll know what heaven feels like.
I used to question why I had to have failed relationships in the past. I used to question why I had to meet toads while in search for the one. I appreciate my prince now because of the toads i met along the way. I know better how to take care of a relationship, a partnership because of mistakes in the past. Thank you for preparing both of us. Thank you for the pains in the past, for making us shine our best.
He waited for me for hours until the prayer meeting ended. We had a snack at ATC but the real highlight of that night was when he carried me at the parking lot. You see, the parking lots at ATC are elevated since it's located on a hill and the terrain is not that flat... I was looking for stairs and I could not find any... He carried me so I can go down... Like a prince charming he carried me. It felt nice being carried by him. Thank you Lord for my piece of heaven! :) All the fires I went through in the past is all worth it. Thanks. :)
Thursday, May 26, 2005
My Braaahder ees Naaaahht aaaa Peeehg!
I just realized that I really do not like it when people accuse me of something I did not do. I can tolerate other things but not a false accusation. I will argue with you up to the last drop of my saliva, to the point of jaw cramps until one of us gets really pissed off. Yup, that's how much I hate it. It does not matter how shallow the accusation may be. How flimsy the cause of it, an accusation is an accusation and I hate it.
Tonight a coworker of mine accused me of being inconsiderate. I value my name as all the rest I guess and perhaps this is the reason why I have to rise up to my defense from time to time. It was really shallow. In fact, it's too shallow for me to even expound here because it is to a point embarrassing already.
Now I know how Nora felt when she said... My brader is nat a peeg!!!
On a lighter note...
Since May 5 my account has been screaming to the whole Friendster community that I already am in a relationship my boyfriend's friendster account for so long was still advertising him as a single man. I was of course disturbed but I did not want to demand from him. I knew that in time he will change it and I know if he did it on his own it will feel so much better. Today, I braved checking again though I was no longer expecting to see In a Relationship in his account... I was actually bracing my heart already from the pain that the page will bring. Yup, it hurts every time I go there hehe... You must wonder why I still go there... Don't ask me... Okay fine! Maybe because a part of me is hoping that one of these days it will change. Well, this afternoon I was surprised to see that he has updated his account. I was very glad!
He did say before that he could not access the site from his office and that he had to use a prepaid account from his house for him to access it and update it. I was glad he did. It made my day.
This afternoon after the 5:30 mass, I went to the sacristy/chaplain's office to talk to the priest because I had to confess. You see, while I was in Galera we failed to hear the Sunday mass. The church was far and we got to Manila at 1030pm already. I was relieved that the priest allowed me to confess right then and there. I took the opportunity to ask him too if it was okay to receive communion even if I failed to hear mass... He said it was okay since that was not a mortal sin. I was relieved again because I have been receiving communion since the day after Galera. I just don't understand why I should not receive Him. A priest once said in his homily that it was okay to receive Him even if you had sins. I just had to ask the priest again to be sure.
Tonight a coworker of mine accused me of being inconsiderate. I value my name as all the rest I guess and perhaps this is the reason why I have to rise up to my defense from time to time. It was really shallow. In fact, it's too shallow for me to even expound here because it is to a point embarrassing already.
Now I know how Nora felt when she said... My brader is nat a peeg!!!
On a lighter note...
Since May 5 my account has been screaming to the whole Friendster community that I already am in a relationship my boyfriend's friendster account for so long was still advertising him as a single man. I was of course disturbed but I did not want to demand from him. I knew that in time he will change it and I know if he did it on his own it will feel so much better. Today, I braved checking again though I was no longer expecting to see In a Relationship in his account... I was actually bracing my heart already from the pain that the page will bring. Yup, it hurts every time I go there hehe... You must wonder why I still go there... Don't ask me... Okay fine! Maybe because a part of me is hoping that one of these days it will change. Well, this afternoon I was surprised to see that he has updated his account. I was very glad!
He did say before that he could not access the site from his office and that he had to use a prepaid account from his house for him to access it and update it. I was glad he did. It made my day.
This afternoon after the 5:30 mass, I went to the sacristy/chaplain's office to talk to the priest because I had to confess. You see, while I was in Galera we failed to hear the Sunday mass. The church was far and we got to Manila at 1030pm already. I was relieved that the priest allowed me to confess right then and there. I took the opportunity to ask him too if it was okay to receive communion even if I failed to hear mass... He said it was okay since that was not a mortal sin. I was relieved again because I have been receiving communion since the day after Galera. I just don't understand why I should not receive Him. A priest once said in his homily that it was okay to receive Him even if you had sins. I just had to ask the priest again to be sure.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Basking in Your Love
This is the second time I'm typing this and I am not the least bit annoyed probably because I enjoy trying to recall everything that has happened. :)
Friday night, I was already home at my unit done with the workshop and done with my 20lap swimming workout. He was at a badminton tournament leveling and I was very busy packing my stuff. It's a complex process to pack. i have to try out everything that I am bringing to make sure that everything will fit me. I end up trying out three times the number of clothes I really have to bring and so begins the process of elimination. It takes me forever to pack. I am always afraid of leaving something behind. Call me sissy. I am.
We talked on the phone when he got home. I think we hung up at two in the morning. We both had to wake up early because we were meeting his friends at six in the morning. I was going to wake him up because he has a problem with alarm clocks. Surprises of surprises, I did not wake up when my phone alarmed. He had to call me to wake me up. I took a quick bath and was really glad that I prepared my stuff the night before.
I decided to wait at our lobby since we were already running late. He got my bag, and took care of my bag We hailed a jeep and then I remembered we had to get more sun block because my sun block might not be enough. All the while, I thought we were meeting his friends at Vito Cruz so I jumped off the jeep in front of SEven Eleven. It was only then that I found out that we were to meet them at Buendia and well... I was embarrassed of course but like a true gentleman he did not make a big deal out of it.
We met up with his friends at Jollibee Buendia. I was nervous because they were his friends and they knew the other girl who had a crush on *** back in college. I found out after the exchange of introductions that they worked with *** in Plaridel. Most of them were editors. His ex came into mind because she was after all an editor too. I got even more nervous... but only for a while, at least until I felt his hand touch my hand. I knew I was going to be fine. He has a calming effect on me. It is because of him that I have become more comfortable meeting new people. His friends are always nice. His Plaridel friends are especially nice.
We got on a bus going to Batangas. The bus' aircon was malfunctioning and so we had to sweat it out all the way to Batangas. I never complained though because being with my baby was more than enough. I guess it's true when they say it's heaven beside the person you love. The place was not that romantic, it was a bus with an aircon that has bogged down yet all I could think of was how blessed I was to be on this trip with him. You see, I was almost unable to go with him to Galera because I was supposed to teach professionals how to program starting last Saturday. The seminars however, were cancelled at the last minute and so I was able to go with them. I really like it when things just fall into place!
The sun was glaring when we got to the Batangas Terminal but I was ever chirpy because I was having fun and the excitement of the trip was nowhere near extinguishable. I saw a friend's sister there too. Even the terminal was stuffy but I was unaffected. We boarded a boat called Brian, not without pictures of course. By this time, I have become fond of his female friend who happens to be chirpy and funny too. She says a lot of bad words but I'm used to that since I have had high school friends who were like that. I saw a student and his mom on the boat.
The boat ride to Galera was more comfortable than my first time there. No, I am not just saying that because I was with my baby this time around. It was really less splashy and the boat was more steady. I guess it's coz the boat was bigger and more populated. While in the boat the clouds became darker and it made me say a silent prayer for a good weather. Thank you Lord for giving us that good weather. We all had fun because you did. :)

Galera Shore
My heart leaped with joy when we got to the Galera shores because I could not believe that this was all happening. I was with my baby in Galera. Never in my dreams did I imagine (hehe well maybe I did!) that my mother would let me go there with him! It was all surreal! This was better than a dream definitely!!! *giggle*
We rented a room a few minutes from the beach front. It was an okay place, I mean the CR was okay and there were beds and that was all I thought we needed. It was relatively far from the beach so we decided to not make so many trips to the house. It was also quite a hassle to go back and forth to the house so we all decided not to go back several times. It was good that I brought a small bag and the female friend I was fond of also brought along her satchel. So *** with my pink bag in tow and I and his Plaridel friends went to the beach. We swam and I got to practice my strokes. Yess... It felt really good swimming in the sea! Yeah! Got to do my butterfly strokes, not perfect yet but with practice I think I'm getting there. It was nice swimming with my baby. It was the first time we swam as a couple... Haha... Yeah, it's monumental for me! He's the only boyfriend I swam with! :) We spent most of the time checking out girls in their two piece finding the perfect body hehe :)
After dinner, his friends decided to swim again, I did not want to swim anymore because it was very dark already. *** and I decided to just watch over our things and we laid down on the sand without a sarong. He laid on his back, I laid on his stomach and together we stared at the starless sky. Yup the stars were just in my head. It was heaven lying on the sand with the one I love. WE just talked about things. ASked each other questions. I like it when we do that. From time to time, I would find sexy bodies and point them out to him hehe... His ogling used to bother me but now it does not anymore. If I can't beat him I'll just join him. As a girl I cannot keep myself from ogling, I can understand if it is Wquite impossible for guys hehe... girls are just too pretty to disregard. We slept at 2:30 am that day.
The following day, we decided to go to the rocky part of Galera. It was a difficult climb because the rocks were sharp and some of them looked slippery and unsteady. I cut myself going down to the water but apart from the small cut I was fine. After that experience though, I was sure I did not want to go up to the rocks again I decided to just swim all the way to teh shore. *** did not want to let me because I might get cramps since I was wearing sandals and all... I assured him I won't drown and besides I was wearing my bright orange suit so I'm sure it won't be difficult to spot my floating drowned body if ever. It turned out that swimming was indeed easier.

The Rocks
The final twenty minutes of my stay was the highlight of my stay. He got a henna tattoo on his right arm and shortly after we went shopping since we were running short of time. It was a hot and humid day and shopping just made the heat more unbearable. It was after he bought me a cute pink souvenir shirt when I noticed that his tattoo was ruined because sweat was trickling over the design. I tried to clean it with my fingers. He stopped me. I thought he wanted me to stop because I might make it worse. He made me stop because he did not want my hand stained with henna. I just thought that was the sweetest. While he was also worried about his henna he was more concerned on how I was doing. He was more concerned if I was tired already. He was more worried if we were going too fast and he was always checking if I was okay. While we were waiting to board the boat, he was still in a very good mood. He was not throwing tantrums considering that he could not find the pair of earrings that he also bought for his sister. He is amazing. He handled the series of unfortunate events so well. I do not know anyone who could have handled it as good as he did. He was even saying how he learned so many lessons from that afternoon. He was just so positive. He made me love him more... *sigh* I am soh lucky to have such a sweet, thoughtful, selfless person in my life.
On the way back I slept on his bag, that was on his lap throughout the boat ride. On the bus I did the same. He was gently planting kisses on my forehead and on my hair as I was falling asleep. It was heaven. Thank you Lord for giving me my piece of heaven on earth.
I went to Galera to bask in the sun but I ended up basking in your love baby. I love you. I don't understand how you could have fallen in love with me but I thank the Lord for letting you love me. Everyday, you find new ways to tell me that you love me. I hope you know how much I love you too. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone (not in my family hehe). Everyday I find myself growing more in love with you. *sigh* Who could have thought I could feel this way about somebody. Who would have thought that you can make me this happy?
The Lord knew all along... He just wanted to surprise me. Lord, it was the most wonderful surprise! Thank you soh much! Help me take care of this gift. *hugs*
Friday night, I was already home at my unit done with the workshop and done with my 20lap swimming workout. He was at a badminton tournament leveling and I was very busy packing my stuff. It's a complex process to pack. i have to try out everything that I am bringing to make sure that everything will fit me. I end up trying out three times the number of clothes I really have to bring and so begins the process of elimination. It takes me forever to pack. I am always afraid of leaving something behind. Call me sissy. I am.
We talked on the phone when he got home. I think we hung up at two in the morning. We both had to wake up early because we were meeting his friends at six in the morning. I was going to wake him up because he has a problem with alarm clocks. Surprises of surprises, I did not wake up when my phone alarmed. He had to call me to wake me up. I took a quick bath and was really glad that I prepared my stuff the night before.
I decided to wait at our lobby since we were already running late. He got my bag, and took care of my bag We hailed a jeep and then I remembered we had to get more sun block because my sun block might not be enough. All the while, I thought we were meeting his friends at Vito Cruz so I jumped off the jeep in front of SEven Eleven. It was only then that I found out that we were to meet them at Buendia and well... I was embarrassed of course but like a true gentleman he did not make a big deal out of it.
We met up with his friends at Jollibee Buendia. I was nervous because they were his friends and they knew the other girl who had a crush on *** back in college. I found out after the exchange of introductions that they worked with *** in Plaridel. Most of them were editors. His ex came into mind because she was after all an editor too. I got even more nervous... but only for a while, at least until I felt his hand touch my hand. I knew I was going to be fine. He has a calming effect on me. It is because of him that I have become more comfortable meeting new people. His friends are always nice. His Plaridel friends are especially nice.
We got on a bus going to Batangas. The bus' aircon was malfunctioning and so we had to sweat it out all the way to Batangas. I never complained though because being with my baby was more than enough. I guess it's true when they say it's heaven beside the person you love. The place was not that romantic, it was a bus with an aircon that has bogged down yet all I could think of was how blessed I was to be on this trip with him. You see, I was almost unable to go with him to Galera because I was supposed to teach professionals how to program starting last Saturday. The seminars however, were cancelled at the last minute and so I was able to go with them. I really like it when things just fall into place!
The sun was glaring when we got to the Batangas Terminal but I was ever chirpy because I was having fun and the excitement of the trip was nowhere near extinguishable. I saw a friend's sister there too. Even the terminal was stuffy but I was unaffected. We boarded a boat called Brian, not without pictures of course. By this time, I have become fond of his female friend who happens to be chirpy and funny too. She says a lot of bad words but I'm used to that since I have had high school friends who were like that. I saw a student and his mom on the boat.
The boat ride to Galera was more comfortable than my first time there. No, I am not just saying that because I was with my baby this time around. It was really less splashy and the boat was more steady. I guess it's coz the boat was bigger and more populated. While in the boat the clouds became darker and it made me say a silent prayer for a good weather. Thank you Lord for giving us that good weather. We all had fun because you did. :)

Galera Shore

My heart leaped with joy when we got to the Galera shores because I could not believe that this was all happening. I was with my baby in Galera. Never in my dreams did I imagine (hehe well maybe I did!) that my mother would let me go there with him! It was all surreal! This was better than a dream definitely!!! *giggle*
We rented a room a few minutes from the beach front. It was an okay place, I mean the CR was okay and there were beds and that was all I thought we needed. It was relatively far from the beach so we decided to not make so many trips to the house. It was also quite a hassle to go back and forth to the house so we all decided not to go back several times. It was good that I brought a small bag and the female friend I was fond of also brought along her satchel. So *** with my pink bag in tow and I and his Plaridel friends went to the beach. We swam and I got to practice my strokes. Yess... It felt really good swimming in the sea! Yeah! Got to do my butterfly strokes, not perfect yet but with practice I think I'm getting there. It was nice swimming with my baby. It was the first time we swam as a couple... Haha... Yeah, it's monumental for me! He's the only boyfriend I swam with! :) We spent most of the time checking out girls in their two piece finding the perfect body hehe :)
After dinner, his friends decided to swim again, I did not want to swim anymore because it was very dark already. *** and I decided to just watch over our things and we laid down on the sand without a sarong. He laid on his back, I laid on his stomach and together we stared at the starless sky. Yup the stars were just in my head. It was heaven lying on the sand with the one I love. WE just talked about things. ASked each other questions. I like it when we do that. From time to time, I would find sexy bodies and point them out to him hehe... His ogling used to bother me but now it does not anymore. If I can't beat him I'll just join him. As a girl I cannot keep myself from ogling, I can understand if it is Wquite impossible for guys hehe... girls are just too pretty to disregard. We slept at 2:30 am that day.
The following day, we decided to go to the rocky part of Galera. It was a difficult climb because the rocks were sharp and some of them looked slippery and unsteady. I cut myself going down to the water but apart from the small cut I was fine. After that experience though, I was sure I did not want to go up to the rocks again I decided to just swim all the way to teh shore. *** did not want to let me because I might get cramps since I was wearing sandals and all... I assured him I won't drown and besides I was wearing my bright orange suit so I'm sure it won't be difficult to spot my floating drowned body if ever. It turned out that swimming was indeed easier.

The Rocks

The final twenty minutes of my stay was the highlight of my stay. He got a henna tattoo on his right arm and shortly after we went shopping since we were running short of time. It was a hot and humid day and shopping just made the heat more unbearable. It was after he bought me a cute pink souvenir shirt when I noticed that his tattoo was ruined because sweat was trickling over the design. I tried to clean it with my fingers. He stopped me. I thought he wanted me to stop because I might make it worse. He made me stop because he did not want my hand stained with henna. I just thought that was the sweetest. While he was also worried about his henna he was more concerned on how I was doing. He was more concerned if I was tired already. He was more worried if we were going too fast and he was always checking if I was okay. While we were waiting to board the boat, he was still in a very good mood. He was not throwing tantrums considering that he could not find the pair of earrings that he also bought for his sister. He is amazing. He handled the series of unfortunate events so well. I do not know anyone who could have handled it as good as he did. He was even saying how he learned so many lessons from that afternoon. He was just so positive. He made me love him more... *sigh* I am soh lucky to have such a sweet, thoughtful, selfless person in my life.
On the way back I slept on his bag, that was on his lap throughout the boat ride. On the bus I did the same. He was gently planting kisses on my forehead and on my hair as I was falling asleep. It was heaven. Thank you Lord for giving me my piece of heaven on earth.
I went to Galera to bask in the sun but I ended up basking in your love baby. I love you. I don't understand how you could have fallen in love with me but I thank the Lord for letting you love me. Everyday, you find new ways to tell me that you love me. I hope you know how much I love you too. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone (not in my family hehe). Everyday I find myself growing more in love with you. *sigh* Who could have thought I could feel this way about somebody. Who would have thought that you can make me this happy?
The Lord knew all along... He just wanted to surprise me. Lord, it was the most wonderful surprise! Thank you soh much! Help me take care of this gift. *hugs*
Monday, May 23, 2005
Last Thursday, our company went for an outing to Los BaƱos, Laguna for a workshop. We worked most of the day of Thursday until 530pm after that we had the time to ourselves until around 1pm of Friday. The workshop was interesting though not that exciting. After the workshop we had our dinner.
*** texted me during the workshop and asked if I needed anything. He started asking if the resort is the resort that he went to before. He described the place, asked if the place is along the highway and so on... I was growing in suspicion at the time but I did not want to expect that he'd come and visit me because the resort was really far. At the back of my mind though, there was a little voice reminding me of what he said the night before, I'm going to make my presence felt.
I invited him to come since his text messages seemed as though he was disappointed that I did not invite him. I didn't because I thought the place we were going to was not going to be okay and he had work. I know I said I did not want to expect but every part of me wished he'd come to surprise me. He did not accept the invitation and told me he was going to go home already. He only had three hours of sleep the night before because of his badminton tournament leveling and after the tournament we spoke on the phoneSo there... he was not going to come after all, I thought. I thought... He called me while I was having dinner so I walked away from the videoke hungry population of my workplace and went to a quiet corner of the resort. We talked on the phone for twenty minutes. All the while he was telling me how he was going home already and he was also asking me questions about the resort. After 20, he said he'd call me again so I went back to my table. He called again after five and we started talking again about the resort. When I looked to my left I saw a guy who looked a lot like him... I was getting giddy already but at the same time I was cautious too because I didn't really think it will be ***. I told him about the guy standing a few meters away from me and asked if I should come near to see they face of the guy. It was him! My heart did a somersault of joy! It was really soh sweet of him to come all the way to LB to just see me. I finally got to introduce him to my cofaculty. He was very gracious and confident. He even joined our Videoke sessions! He sang two songs. Being the drag queen stuck in a girl's body, when the song Fame started playing I instinctively jumped at the mic and started singing... and dancing, really embarassing stuff hehe... And *** was there! The whole time he was just there supporting me. I asked him if he felt embarassed and he said it was okay and that he has long accepted that I am like this. I really love it that I can be myself around him and know that he will not judge me.
He stayed until past ten and then left for his place in LP. My officemates were amazed with the surprise because that sure took a lot of sacrifice on his part. They tell me that's love. They don't have to tell me because I can feel the love. I feel so blessed to have him in my life. I love you so much baby! Thank you for coming into my life and for loving me the way you do! I feel like I am in love for the first time!
*** texted me during the workshop and asked if I needed anything. He started asking if the resort is the resort that he went to before. He described the place, asked if the place is along the highway and so on... I was growing in suspicion at the time but I did not want to expect that he'd come and visit me because the resort was really far. At the back of my mind though, there was a little voice reminding me of what he said the night before, I'm going to make my presence felt.
I invited him to come since his text messages seemed as though he was disappointed that I did not invite him. I didn't because I thought the place we were going to was not going to be okay and he had work. I know I said I did not want to expect but every part of me wished he'd come to surprise me. He did not accept the invitation and told me he was going to go home already. He only had three hours of sleep the night before because of his badminton tournament leveling and after the tournament we spoke on the phoneSo there... he was not going to come after all, I thought. I thought... He called me while I was having dinner so I walked away from the videoke hungry population of my workplace and went to a quiet corner of the resort. We talked on the phone for twenty minutes. All the while he was telling me how he was going home already and he was also asking me questions about the resort. After 20, he said he'd call me again so I went back to my table. He called again after five and we started talking again about the resort. When I looked to my left I saw a guy who looked a lot like him... I was getting giddy already but at the same time I was cautious too because I didn't really think it will be ***. I told him about the guy standing a few meters away from me and asked if I should come near to see they face of the guy. It was him! My heart did a somersault of joy! It was really soh sweet of him to come all the way to LB to just see me. I finally got to introduce him to my cofaculty. He was very gracious and confident. He even joined our Videoke sessions! He sang two songs. Being the drag queen stuck in a girl's body, when the song Fame started playing I instinctively jumped at the mic and started singing... and dancing, really embarassing stuff hehe... And *** was there! The whole time he was just there supporting me. I asked him if he felt embarassed and he said it was okay and that he has long accepted that I am like this. I really love it that I can be myself around him and know that he will not judge me.
He stayed until past ten and then left for his place in LP. My officemates were amazed with the surprise because that sure took a lot of sacrifice on his part. They tell me that's love. They don't have to tell me because I can feel the love. I feel so blessed to have him in my life. I love you so much baby! Thank you for coming into my life and for loving me the way you do! I feel like I am in love for the first time!
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
A Spoonful of Sugar Helps the Medicine Go Down
Just the other day I was wondering what I was going to do with my THEOPRO class since it can be a bit boring... Just yesterday I was bored to death and unexcited about the coming trimester well, today I got a big surprise! My load to teach Surigao students via microwave (yup I'll be on TV) can be used only for next trimester so the implication of which is, I have to prepare for FETVI but at the same time I will have the normal teaching load so yeah in a way, I'm overload this trimester. I am excited to teach WEBDEVE! ;) It's something new and now I have something to look forward to! I decided to teach because partly, I want to keep on learning and teaching a new subject will definitely give me this opportunity! Thank you Lord! I know this is You working!
I am a bit nervous too since this is a new prep for me but I know You will not let me down!
The whole faculty room now knows that I have a boyfriend! Yup, it was like a press conference today but it feels good, like a release hehe! Everybody I think was happy to know that my love life is up and running again! :)
I am a bit nervous too since this is a new prep for me but I know You will not let me down!
The whole faculty room now knows that I have a boyfriend! Yup, it was like a press conference today but it feels good, like a release hehe! Everybody I think was happy to know that my love life is up and running again! :)
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Sugar Rush
Have you ever had too much sweets? Feeling energetic one moment and then really, really dizzy and sleepy the next? Taking in too much glucose for your brain's blood supply is really bad. I'm feeling like this right now and I don't know if it's coz the LPEP activity got me really exhausted or if I'm just not in the mood to start teaching again on Monday hehe... I can't believe vacation is over. I guess long vacations are not for me.
On a happier note, I had fun doing LPEP. It was fun because I knew exactly how they were feeling at that moment because once, I was like them too. I was a freshman wondering what was in store. Though there were disappointments, sleepless nights, all in all, college was a pretty good stage in my life too.
I am so much happier now. *** called for 20 minutes and I was really happy that he did 'coz I was lacking energy earlier. I guess there are some sweets I will never get enough of!
Hmm... It seems like all I have ever been writing for so long is about *** this, *** that, I am happy with us but I also want to see life in a bigger picture. I want my life to be a big picture with him in it. I don't want just a portrait of him. I know that if I stay too focused on him, it will not be healthy. I know that it will not be good for our relationship. So in as much as I enjoy just thinking about him I know that I should also focus my attention on other things. He encourages me of course to keep on doing the things I will usually do. He does. He's amazingly supportive it is just that I tend to hehe.. be stubborn. So now, I am personally telling myself to broaden my perspective on the world. I love him and I know that it will serve him better if I will strive to become a better person by for example, finishing my thesis, doing great in my job, participating actively in my community, being a good sister, being a good friend, being the well-rounded person I am trying to be.
On a happier note, I had fun doing LPEP. It was fun because I knew exactly how they were feeling at that moment because once, I was like them too. I was a freshman wondering what was in store. Though there were disappointments, sleepless nights, all in all, college was a pretty good stage in my life too.
I am so much happier now. *** called for 20 minutes and I was really happy that he did 'coz I was lacking energy earlier. I guess there are some sweets I will never get enough of!
Hmm... It seems like all I have ever been writing for so long is about *** this, *** that, I am happy with us but I also want to see life in a bigger picture. I want my life to be a big picture with him in it. I don't want just a portrait of him. I know that if I stay too focused on him, it will not be healthy. I know that it will not be good for our relationship. So in as much as I enjoy just thinking about him I know that I should also focus my attention on other things. He encourages me of course to keep on doing the things I will usually do. He does. He's amazingly supportive it is just that I tend to hehe.. be stubborn. So now, I am personally telling myself to broaden my perspective on the world. I love him and I know that it will serve him better if I will strive to become a better person by for example, finishing my thesis, doing great in my job, participating actively in my community, being a good sister, being a good friend, being the well-rounded person I am trying to be.
Monday, May 16, 2005
Thank You
I never thought I could feel this way about anyone. Trusting my whole heart to somebody. I figured this is my last attempt in love and I want to give it my all. If this does not work, that's just too bad for me. I don't want to look back later on and wish I could have given more. Well, I have not regretted about anything in my past relationships except maybe for having had them. I just want to make the most out of this one.
Everyday, when I wake up and realize that he is in my life, I cannot help but thank the Lord for leading him to me and me to him. This has always been my prayer. I feel in my heart that he is the Lord's answer to that prayer that I have said for years. When I gaze upon his face, my heart just jumps with glee, filled with happiness and contentment. I will never be able to express in words how grateful I am for his presence in my world. I won't say he made me happy, or that he completed me because I really believe I was happy and complete before he came along. What I do know though, is that now that he is in my life, it's more colorful, happier, more interesting and I would not have wished for a better turn of events.
I said before how he was a demo version. Now that he is my boyfriend (yess...) he cooks for me, still washes the plates, clears the table and more sweet than ever! So, maybe he's still in his demo version haha! I really love him! I must have done something right in my life 'cause the Lord gave me one nice angel.
I love you baby!
It is my hope and my prayer that I also become a good partner to you. I thank you most of all for making me want to be a better person for us.
Everyday, when I wake up and realize that he is in my life, I cannot help but thank the Lord for leading him to me and me to him. This has always been my prayer. I feel in my heart that he is the Lord's answer to that prayer that I have said for years. When I gaze upon his face, my heart just jumps with glee, filled with happiness and contentment. I will never be able to express in words how grateful I am for his presence in my world. I won't say he made me happy, or that he completed me because I really believe I was happy and complete before he came along. What I do know though, is that now that he is in my life, it's more colorful, happier, more interesting and I would not have wished for a better turn of events.
I said before how he was a demo version. Now that he is my boyfriend (yess...) he cooks for me, still washes the plates, clears the table and more sweet than ever! So, maybe he's still in his demo version haha! I really love him! I must have done something right in my life 'cause the Lord gave me one nice angel.
I love you baby!
It is my hope and my prayer that I also become a good partner to you. I thank you most of all for making me want to be a better person for us.
Saturday, May 07, 2005
My 5 Seconds on the Stage
Last night we were at Blue Wave again to see South Border... The waiter at Plato Platina told us they were coming along with Kitchie Nadal. Surprises of all surprises, it was True Faith and Kitchie Nadal. I knew we should not have believed the waiter after he gave me Putanesca instead of Pesto el Penne and my boyfriend (just really wanted to use the word haha!) rice instead of mashed potatoes... I even asked the water, if what he gave me was pesto because it was bloody red! The waiter nonchalantly said, yes! Harhar! Maybe the basil and the parsley mutated haha! But I was too happy to care if what I was eating was Putanesca or Pesto... I did not care... I was happy...
Going back...
Kelly of Magic 89.9 was the host of the night and there was a game. She asked for someone who can name three restaurants at the Blue Wave. It was a no brainer considering that we were surrounded by three restaurants so I thought people near the stage would answer. *** dared me to go up the stage haha... Who is he kidding? He does not dare me to go up there... because I wanted to! Haha! I won a t-shirt and a CD! The CD's pretty good. It's a compilation of R&B stuff... The shirt's okay too... :) I like it that he was not ashamed of me, if anything I thought I sensed some pride in him... I like it that I can wear anything when I am with him and I would still feel safe.
True Faith is a great band! I still enjoyed it. The lead vocalist's seques were noteworthy and he is a great dancer. A total performer. You should see them perform live some time. The Putanesca was not so bad either. I realized, sometimes we don't get exactly what we want but that doesn't mean it's not as good... sometimes what we're handed turns out to be better... hmm... or am I just complacent?
I want this relationship I am in right now. He is the best boyfriend! So why can't I just enjoy the moment? Why am I worried? Why am I freakin' paranoid? I am afraid that I might do something that will blow this relationship 'coz it's just so good right now and I don't want it to end... Do you understand that feeling? I love him soh much that I don't want anything to ruin what we have. I am soh afraid that I might ruin it... haha... I don't want to be paralyzed by fear, I want to be in the now because I want to savor every moment. Away with you fear!!! Away with you! *chants* haha :)
Life is good because God is good! :) I should trust what He gives me because what He gives is good! Amen!
Going back...
Kelly of Magic 89.9 was the host of the night and there was a game. She asked for someone who can name three restaurants at the Blue Wave. It was a no brainer considering that we were surrounded by three restaurants so I thought people near the stage would answer. *** dared me to go up the stage haha... Who is he kidding? He does not dare me to go up there... because I wanted to! Haha! I won a t-shirt and a CD! The CD's pretty good. It's a compilation of R&B stuff... The shirt's okay too... :) I like it that he was not ashamed of me, if anything I thought I sensed some pride in him... I like it that I can wear anything when I am with him and I would still feel safe.
True Faith is a great band! I still enjoyed it. The lead vocalist's seques were noteworthy and he is a great dancer. A total performer. You should see them perform live some time. The Putanesca was not so bad either. I realized, sometimes we don't get exactly what we want but that doesn't mean it's not as good... sometimes what we're handed turns out to be better... hmm... or am I just complacent?
I want this relationship I am in right now. He is the best boyfriend! So why can't I just enjoy the moment? Why am I worried? Why am I freakin' paranoid? I am afraid that I might do something that will blow this relationship 'coz it's just so good right now and I don't want it to end... Do you understand that feeling? I love him soh much that I don't want anything to ruin what we have. I am soh afraid that I might ruin it... haha... I don't want to be paralyzed by fear, I want to be in the now because I want to savor every moment. Away with you fear!!! Away with you! *chants* haha :)
Life is good because God is good! :) I should trust what He gives me because what He gives is good! Amen!
Friday, May 06, 2005
I love 555!
No not the sardines! The date, 05-05-05!
He asked me if we could have dinner together because he missed me. Weird, I thought, considering it was a Thursday and he had a basketball game scheduled at 8pm. I wanted to see him too 'coz i was missing him the day before that so badly that I think I viewed our pictures to sleep. Freaky I know but I know someone else who does that! :)
He drove me to Blue Wave since we were going to have dinner at Plato Platina. It was around 11:30pm already by this time. It was odd because he took longer to get to my place and the car smelled of his perfume. He smells good all the time but last night was just too much. It was like he perfumed the car. He parked the car but he did not turn off the engine. I was thinking, nooneenoo he's wasting gas but what the heck! I'm happy as long as I'm with him.. Then he asked me do you remember today? I said yes, I know today is special. What day is today? May 5, 2005. 05-05-05, yup it's a sardinas day today! And then he asked me if I could be his baby, his girl, his lady, his life. At this point I was giggling and laughing... He looked me in the eye and said in the most sincere way, I love you. I stared back at him, my brain not working for a while... too much for my hypothalamus to process! I said I love you too... Then he reached for a shirt at the back of his car... I did see his backseat and well... it was in disarray with a white shirt on the seat. He asked me if I could fold his shirt. I did as I was told laughing asking if that was a test.
He asked me to put the shirt at the back and there I saw a bouquet of 24 -> correction... i counted this time haha :) it's 48, 2 dozens of pink and 2 dozens of white flowers! The bouquet was huge! By this time, I already wanted to cry but I remembered my make-up. The rest of the evening, I was just floating and my head was filled with air and happy thoughts and sparkling moonstars...
Yup, last night was a great night! I will always look back to that night with a smila and a song in my heart.
I had a nose bleed shortly after he left... My brain apparently cannot handle more than one surprise in a week haha! I did have a nosebleed! I don't know what the reason was but yeah... hehe :) I am so happy...
I pray to the Lord above who led us to one another that He be the reason that we stay together. Let our relationship glorify You!
I love you baby!
He asked me if we could have dinner together because he missed me. Weird, I thought, considering it was a Thursday and he had a basketball game scheduled at 8pm. I wanted to see him too 'coz i was missing him the day before that so badly that I think I viewed our pictures to sleep. Freaky I know but I know someone else who does that! :)
He drove me to Blue Wave since we were going to have dinner at Plato Platina. It was around 11:30pm already by this time. It was odd because he took longer to get to my place and the car smelled of his perfume. He smells good all the time but last night was just too much. It was like he perfumed the car. He parked the car but he did not turn off the engine. I was thinking, nooneenoo he's wasting gas but what the heck! I'm happy as long as I'm with him.. Then he asked me do you remember today? I said yes, I know today is special. What day is today? May 5, 2005. 05-05-05, yup it's a sardinas day today! And then he asked me if I could be his baby, his girl, his lady, his life. At this point I was giggling and laughing... He looked me in the eye and said in the most sincere way, I love you. I stared back at him, my brain not working for a while... too much for my hypothalamus to process! I said I love you too... Then he reached for a shirt at the back of his car... I did see his backseat and well... it was in disarray with a white shirt on the seat. He asked me if I could fold his shirt. I did as I was told laughing asking if that was a test.
He asked me to put the shirt at the back and there I saw a bouquet of 24 -> correction... i counted this time haha :) it's 48, 2 dozens of pink and 2 dozens of white flowers! The bouquet was huge! By this time, I already wanted to cry but I remembered my make-up. The rest of the evening, I was just floating and my head was filled with air and happy thoughts and sparkling moonstars...
Yup, last night was a great night! I will always look back to that night with a smila and a song in my heart.
I had a nose bleed shortly after he left... My brain apparently cannot handle more than one surprise in a week haha! I did have a nosebleed! I don't know what the reason was but yeah... hehe :) I am so happy...
I pray to the Lord above who led us to one another that He be the reason that we stay together. Let our relationship glorify You!
I love you baby!
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Warmth of Cold
I got a bad cold. Worst cold that I have ever had in years but last Monday it has proven itself to be the best too. Allow me to expound.
He visited me that Monday night and brought me fresh orange juice. The kind that my brother and I like except it was a different brand. He said I should drink plenty of juice and water. He was sick himself and he was blaming himself for letting me get his cold though I really think I got this from overexhausting myself for the few days.
He brought out espasols and pili candies and beaded necklaces that he got from Quezon. He went there for his family reunion. During which he was always calling me up and texting me despite the limited cell coverage there.
He stayed for a while to chat and talk to me about the resort they went to in Tayabas. He wants me to see the place and says that he will brave yet again asking my mom so I can go. We're planning to bring along my little sister and my friend Bhennie. I'm so excited already... Going back...
He said goodbye already, I walked him to the elevator and then a few minutes later he texted me asking me to look around if he dropped something. I worried that he might not have dropped whatever it was in the unit but I looked anyway with increasing suspicion... Hmm... why is he so sure that this was where he dropped the item? I did see him fixing his plastic bags earlier... He came with plastic bags but I figured that was where he placed everything and I did not want to ask too many questions about the stuff that he had... I did not want to be rude.
I looked under the couch and saw how dirty it was under there *evil laugh*! Apart from all the trash, and some that look like trash now, I saw an envelope with my name and my address. The returnee's address just had the words Guess Who written in a nice penmanship. The stamp had a smiley face. The card alone made me start laughing and giggling. As if that's not enough, I saw 12 pink gerbera flowers in a bouquet tied with a pink ribbon. That just took my breath away!
I called him, I couldn't stifle my laughter and he just pretended like he did nothing... We talked a few minutes and then he had to hang up coz he had to gas up. He called me up again for 15 minutes until he got home. He is just the sweetest guy ever! Are these the flowers that I have been waiting for? I have known him for twelve weeks now. :)
On a more scary note, his mother saw my picture already. The Pond's commercial comes into mind, "Soy hijo pienza que si!" haha! His mother seems to be very particular with appearance and well... that's not really my forte hehe... I think we all know that from my hair alone. I just really hope and pray that she'd like me! :) She says I have a Close-Up smile though, if what *** tells me is true. She asked several questions... interrogated is more appropriate in this aspect I think. Meet the Parents comes into mind with all the lie detectors and stuff... hehe... Oh well... Here goes... I think I have taken the plunge long before I was aware. I am loving every moment of the free fall, feeling the wind brush against my face, my body falling helplessly, allowing gravity to just pull me... hoping hard, praying hard that I will land safe and sound, without regrets and happy as I ever could be.
He visited me that Monday night and brought me fresh orange juice. The kind that my brother and I like except it was a different brand. He said I should drink plenty of juice and water. He was sick himself and he was blaming himself for letting me get his cold though I really think I got this from overexhausting myself for the few days.
He brought out espasols and pili candies and beaded necklaces that he got from Quezon. He went there for his family reunion. During which he was always calling me up and texting me despite the limited cell coverage there.
He stayed for a while to chat and talk to me about the resort they went to in Tayabas. He wants me to see the place and says that he will brave yet again asking my mom so I can go. We're planning to bring along my little sister and my friend Bhennie. I'm so excited already... Going back...
He said goodbye already, I walked him to the elevator and then a few minutes later he texted me asking me to look around if he dropped something. I worried that he might not have dropped whatever it was in the unit but I looked anyway with increasing suspicion... Hmm... why is he so sure that this was where he dropped the item? I did see him fixing his plastic bags earlier... He came with plastic bags but I figured that was where he placed everything and I did not want to ask too many questions about the stuff that he had... I did not want to be rude.
I looked under the couch and saw how dirty it was under there *evil laugh*! Apart from all the trash, and some that look like trash now, I saw an envelope with my name and my address. The returnee's address just had the words Guess Who written in a nice penmanship. The stamp had a smiley face. The card alone made me start laughing and giggling. As if that's not enough, I saw 12 pink gerbera flowers in a bouquet tied with a pink ribbon. That just took my breath away!
I called him, I couldn't stifle my laughter and he just pretended like he did nothing... We talked a few minutes and then he had to hang up coz he had to gas up. He called me up again for 15 minutes until he got home. He is just the sweetest guy ever! Are these the flowers that I have been waiting for? I have known him for twelve weeks now. :)
On a more scary note, his mother saw my picture already. The Pond's commercial comes into mind, "Soy hijo pienza que si!" haha! His mother seems to be very particular with appearance and well... that's not really my forte hehe... I think we all know that from my hair alone. I just really hope and pray that she'd like me! :) She says I have a Close-Up smile though, if what *** tells me is true. She asked several questions... interrogated is more appropriate in this aspect I think. Meet the Parents comes into mind with all the lie detectors and stuff... hehe... Oh well... Here goes... I think I have taken the plunge long before I was aware. I am loving every moment of the free fall, feeling the wind brush against my face, my body falling helplessly, allowing gravity to just pull me... hoping hard, praying hard that I will land safe and sound, without regrets and happy as I ever could be.
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